Grasp Technologies Support Team Tip of the Month:

We highly recommend that when you build Dashboard pages and widgets to avoid using miscellaneous characters when naming your pages and/or widgets. Also, for customers that have our Advanced Analytics (Report Builder), when naming the report you’re creating, do NOT use anything other than alpha and numeric characters. Don’t feel like you have to be grammatically correct, leave out that apostrophe before an “s”! We have seen where this can create issues when trying to clone, rename or edit the report or Dashboard page/widget. 

Grasp Technologies Support Team – Report of the Month:  

Our report of the month is actually our new Air CO2 reports that use the ICAO methodology to estimate the total CO2 attributed to the leg of a journey. There are 5 new reports: 2 for miles, 2 for kilometers and a Full Travel Detail. 

To use the ICM reports, our developers need to do a historical update to your data. To get more information, including a detailed document with the ICAO calculations, or to be added to the schedule to update your historical data, please contact support@grasptech.comPlease note, there is NO CHARGE for this update. 

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