RAPTIM International Travel (now known as Key Travel) approached Grasp Technologies to solve their global data consolidation and travel analytics problem. Their goals were clear – to consolidate data from all business units and disparate systems to a single global data repository, and to provide an unparalleled view into that data.
The Challenge
Since 1949, RAPTIM has been the global leader in humanitarian airfares. Their mission is to serve those who serve the world. As a result, RAPTIM operates 12 business units across North America and Europe. They’re a top-50 travel management company and drives more than $500 million in revenue. However, these different business units across the globe struggled to consolidate data as they had three different back office accounting systems.
The data was stored in different locations and in different formats. This made data consolidation and travel analytics for clients (as well as for internal reporting) very difficult. Like many companies in RAPTIM’s position, this made it harder to manage a global business.
The Approach
- Leverage GraspSECURECONNECT technology and tenured industry experience to sync many years of data from different accounting systems.
- Consolidated each business unit’s data into one reporting instance and normalized the data across all of the systems, allowing each business unit to report all client data seamlessly.
- Consolidated all instances into one master database for RAPTIM’s leadership to view transactional data across their entire global footprint.
The Results
RAPTIM could now see data-sets how they would like. Grasp Technologies provided RAPTIM with the global solution they were after. GraspSECURECONNECT automated the consolidation process without manual intervention.
“Grasp’s ability to automate the collection, cleansing, normalizing and presentation of data, we have eliminated all the manual data cleansing and validation we use to do. They have saved us over 30 man-hours per week for those processes alone. For the first time, they brought together data from our different business unites globally and provided us a view of our global footprint.
Now we can slice and dice anyway we need in support of our growing business. This level of intelligence coupled with their enhanced data is something we could not achieve with our legacy solutions. Grasp has also provided the ability to have accurate global data for better managing our key contract negotiations with vendors. We estimate our new process and analytics will save us six-figures annually.
We also believe that our new platform will assist us win new business as well as enhance our existing portfolio.”
-RAPTIM International Travel