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[Whitepaper] Why Is Financial Reconciliation So Difficult?

[Whitepaper] Why Is Financial Reconciliation So Difficult?


I feel that the word reconciliation can mean many things. In a personal sense, it’s to repair or restore a relationship. In accounting, it’s more of consistency and accuracy. In both situations, I think the words “harmony” or “alignment” best illustrate what reconciliation truly is.

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[Webinar] Data Security Deep Dive With Grasp Technologies

[Webinar] Data Security Deep Dive With Grasp Technologies


  Join us on May 4th at 10 AM PT/1 PM ET for an in-depth discussion on Travel Data Security. We will be going over some security best practices for TMCs, CTDs, and Agencies. We will discuss security breaches, phishing, ransomware, and other common security issues. From there we will chat on how to mitigate your risk exposure through technology and by empowering employees with a stronger awareness of the everyday threats. 

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April 2022 Webinar Schedule

April 2022 Webinar Schedule


April 2022 Webinar Info: Tuesday, April 5 – 2:00 ET 

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