Garbage In - Gold Out
So. You have data everywhere. Different sources of data. Global Data. And, it’s a mess. Let alone different locations for storing the data within the booking (if you are getting data at all), there are different languages, different currency codes, even different characters. The UK office is sending the Employee ID in UD4 while Japan isn’t even including it, and Australia is using a weird format that doesn’t look like what is in the ERP system. What’s the conversion rate between Brazil Lira and USD and do I want that converted from when it was booked or now when it is being reported? What is travel reason “Lieferantenbeziehungen” coming from the Germany office?
Wrangling global data can be challenging and exhausting. But, there are several options and steps for getting it under control and turning it into actionable, insightful, wonderful data ready to be analyzed. In this article, I will walk through the options and questions you should be asking to have a comprehensive view of the data from your global suppliers.