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July 2022 Webinar Schedule

July 2022 Webinar Schedule


July 2022 Webinar Info Tuesday, July 12 - 2:00 PM ET

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July 2022 Tip and Report of the Month

July 2022 Tip and Report of the Month


Grasp Support Team Tip and Report of the Month This month our Tip and Reports are connected! We get questions asking about using reports and filters that can show open and closed payment status, especially on car and hotel commissions.  When running ANY report, you can filter by “Client Payment” or “Vendor Payment” and then filter to only show bookings where the payment is open or closed.  When running a report, on the Filter tab, type “payment” in the first drop down and choose the filter you wish to use.  Then, in the next drop down, you will select “open” or “closed”, making sure to click on the plus sign (+) to lock in your selection.  This will then only show bookings where the payment is shown as open or closed on the report. 

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Own Your Own Travel Data

Own Your Own Travel Data


Data containing travel and expense information  With travel data, there are many players that handle data and only a few that contribute. The contributors can be individual, corporate, or supplier. Personal information like name, loyalty information, meal preferences etc would originate from the traveler. Company information such as policy, GL, cost center, etc would be coming from their employer, the stakeholder who actually pays for the trip. Supplier data would be information around the trip itself like segments, reservation #s, etc.  And each one of those contributors would have a piece of the overall puzzle. 

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