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How to Reduce the Cost of Employee Business Travel

How to Reduce the Cost of Employee Business Travel


Business travel has declined due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the effects  may outlast the disease. This is bad news for airlines, but what does it say about businesses and business travel as a whole?

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Control the Ramp-up of Business Travel Expense Post-Pandemic

Control the Ramp-up of Business Travel Expense Post-Pandemic


A late 2020 Wall Street Journal analysis estimates a decrease of 19-36% of business air travel, and some business leaders have predicted an even more significant decrease. For some businesses, this could be good news. Companies have experienced reduced travel — sometimes with a limited drop in revenue.  

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Why You Need Touchless, Centralized Data Solutions for Business Travel

Why You Need Touchless, Centralized Data Solutions for Business Travel


Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, business travel was growing at a very fast pace. And though the travel industry is well into recovery, it is a very slow process. If there is one thing about business travel that is constant, it is that it is constantly changing. Yet if you were to ask any finance manager what they focus on in their business, they would probably say, “budgets and the bottom line”. This is just as true after the pandemic as it was before. For travel managers and travel management companies (TMCs), this means being able to provide timely, accurate and robust data reporting to their clients.

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